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美赞臣水奶中瓶一箱(237ml*12支)Enfamil NeuroPro Ready-

  • 商品名称:美赞臣水奶中瓶一箱(237ml*12支)Enfamil NeuroPro Ready-
  • 品牌:美赞臣 Enfamil
  • 商品毛重:
  • 单位:磅
  • 上架时间:2020-06-02 01:40:27

独特的Triple Health Guard混合物,具有30种营养成分,是Omega-3 DHA的两倍,是另一个领先品牌†
第一个也是唯一的婴儿配方奶粉含有大量滋养肌醇和DHA *的母乳。
Enfamil PREMIUM婴儿配方奶粉是一种完整的营养品,可满足12个月大的婴儿的营养需求。 Enfamil PREMIUM婴儿比以往任何时候都更接近母乳,可以在5岁时培养学习能力。

†Enfamil PREMIUM含有0.32%DHA,Similac Advance含有0.15%DHA
*在肌醇泌乳期间成熟母乳的全球平均水平:22毫克/ 100千卡; 和DHA:总脂肪酸的0.32%


  • Unique Triple Health Guard blend that has 30 nutrients for growth, twice the Omega-3 DHA as the other leading brand†
  • The first and only Infant Formula to have both the amount of brain-nourishing inositol and DHA* found in Breast Milk.
  • Enfamil is the #1 pediatrician-recommended formula brand.

Enfamil PREMIUM Infant Formula is complete nutrition tailored to meet the nutritional needs of infants through 12 months of age. Closer to breast milk than ever before, Enfamil PREMIUM Infant is shown to foster learning ability through the age of 5. 

† Enfamil PREMIUM has 0.32% DHA, Similac Advance has 0.15% DHA
* The average worldwide levels in mature breast milk over the course of lactation of inositol: 22 mg/100 kcal; and DHA: 0.32% of total fatty acids